Until 13 years ago we moved on average every 3 years. In that time we've also doubled the number of boys & added a grandson. Plus, lived through 2 add ons. This house was originally a 2B/2B/2car garage. Now it is a 4B/2B/1 car garage w/an office.
The second bath is odd. It was the utility room w/shower, dbl sink, & toilet. No shelving, medicine cabinet or mirror.
The main bath is HUGE. Big mirror & a wooden tanning bed. The closet has no door & the 2 top shelves are used for linens & the rest are clothes for 3 boys & our grandson.
Need to finish remodeling older part of the house. New carpet, take off popcorn ceiling, & new kitchen counter top. Just need some $ ! Have closets upstairs that are under utilized. The closets in the original house are brimming.
Before, I guess I would declutter, organize & donate every 3 years minimum. Now we homeschool so have lots of books. Need 2 of some things since we live in the country.
Cleaned out the under stairs closet today with help from 1 kidney boy. Moved games upstairs & high so 4 yo grandson has to checkout games. Moved winter coats upstairs to 2 bedroom closets. Moved shoes that are too small to garage to save for younger boys & grandson. Put hats & gloves in a backpack. Need shelving built since it is basically a box with a door. Probably add a clothes rack at the top.
Before: What could be under all that ?

Did find Spiderman Lego man that was MIA. Put all ball gloves, balls & outdoor games in a container. Put mud boots & insulated boots in another container. Found a large basket & put it by front door for shoes.
The main bath closet was organized last week. Teen took any outgrown jeans & winter shirts upstairs. Re organized underwear & sock baskets. Teen now has a work shirt pile, jean pile, town shirt pile. Emptied a suitcase & had room to store it in there. Need to think of something to store in it.
Also moved grandson's clothes pile from computer/school/office room to closet. Used empty boot boxes to put his underwear & socks in under the sink. His pull ups went into a wire basket under sink also. This cleared up 2 baskets & space on the tanning bed.
Put all belts in a drawer. All pjs together. Dress up costumes in one place. Arranged winter clothes in the back of the shelves & put summer clothes in the front.
Linen closet with curtain closed...
Winter clothes in back of shelves & summer in front.
Under one double sink...
Lego Scale: 99
I wish I could get so much done! I should take a picture of my laundry room one of these days. It's scary.
Should probably call this decade cleaning.
Most people would have done a little at a time.
But no not me !
I sure am sore.
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